2022 VPofMarketing.com salary survey of tech marketing professionals

This survey was conducted in March of 2022. The total number of respondents was 377. There’s almost an unlimited number of ways to compare/filter the data. The links below provide several combinations, some of which I hope you find insightful for your specific situation. More specific feedback regarding the open-ended equity question is available on request.

Aggregate view; all respondents: https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-Nj_2BXrHkUbpdchVCd7zf3MQ_3D_3D/


Company size: 1-99 employees

Company size: 100-1,000 employees

Company size: > 1,000 employees

Consumer-facing companies (More specifically filtered data for B2C companies available on request.)

Location only filter
